Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day... Happy Turkey Day!

I have started my second project of my 50, a veil of natural cotton. I have the circle done but I now will be working on the barbette and the fillet. I hand stitched a small rolled hem on a two foot circle. I want to get used to wearing a veil before I go any bigger.

Number three is also in the works, a coif for my lord.  It will fit nicely under his fencing helm (hopefully).  I am probably going to finish it with a fingerloop braid in greens along the bottom and use the braid as ties as well.  The face opening was cut along the selvage so I probably won't finish it at all.  That will probably make it more comfortable to wear. We are picking up his gear from storage at his folks today so I'll let you know how the coif works under the helm.

I also wanted to include another picture, this one my honey in his new shirt and older cloak at a local event we went to, Simplefare held in Barony Beyond the Mountain, East Kingdom.  It was a windy and his cloak caught the breeze beautifully.  I can't take credit for it, a good friend of ours, Lucia, made it years ago.

 I hope I have the time for all the lovely projects I want to work on with the holidays coming up.  I have so many holiday projects as well. I make goodie baskets/packages for all the adults on my list. Everyting comes out of the grocery budget and fabric stash, mostly. I'll post some of those as they come up.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Here I Am...

Well, here I am striking out into blogging.  This is a photo of my first A&S 50 project. It is a lacing for my lord's new shirt. It is a piece of loop braiding done in greens and gray using cotton embroidery floss. I used that as it is a first attempt. He loves it so much more than the bootlace he was using.